Ken and Paige in
Just Armed with Love
Just a dog…
I hear this said as if that’s a small thing. The way I understand it, those words, just a dog, are measureless. Measureless and just larger than life… and I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way.
I think you do too…
I see it in the photos of your dog’s face that flood your online presence. I see it when you and your dog jog by my house early in the morning before you go to work. I see it when I walk by your house and your son and dog are playing ball in the front yard. I see it when you sit behind the wheel of your pickup truck idling next to mine and your dog sits behind you happily watching a squirrel run by the open window. I see it at the ice cream shop where you’re in front of me in line buying two ice cream cones, one for you and one for your dog. I see it when you have to slow your jog to a walk because your dog can no longer keep up. I see it in the photos of your dog’s greying face that flood your online presence. I see it at the veterinary hospital where you sit with your dog, armed with love, keeping your face lowered to hide your tears, knowing you will be going home alone.
I can say I am blessed that I do understand the measure of just a dog. I am blessed my work is supported by beautiful individuals who have this innate love for their dogs. So, we - the dogs and their significant others and me, the artist – are sharing a little bit of ourselves with you. And I am thankful for the chance to open my heart with you here in my watercolor series,
Just a Dog...
©Daune Sheri
December 17, 2017
Contact Me
Contact me and we will work together to tell your story one brush stroke at a time.